Life is hard enough.. compound that with insecurity and feelings of inadequacy and you’re just asking for anxiety. It’s hard not to compare ourselves to our boyfriends’ past lovers, random IG chicks, or literally anyone that seems to have their life together more than us. There will always be someone that is more educated, better body, richer, or better looking. Comparison is truly the thief of joy. If we go through life comparing ourselves to other people we’ll never be happy. Whether there’s any validity to our concerns or not the feelings are very much real. If we continue to judge ourselves based off external things we will always feel less than.
Real life in a Instagram world is hard. It constantly appears as if everyone is doing more, making more, or having more. If we aren’t intentional in what we allow our mind to entertain our thoughts can be dangerous. Below are a few tips on how to deal with insecurity
- Remember that you are unique: I like to think of myself as a snowflake. If God took the time to make each and every flake unique, and special in their own way then why should I think any differently of myself. What makes us beautiful is our individuality. There is no one in this world that is exactly like you! That is your superpower! Embrace yourself! Comparing yourself to other only cheapens your value.
- The value you give is much more than external: Who you are is so much more than skin deep. We all age, gain weight, and go through major changes in our appearance throughout life. Inner beauty is way more important, long term, than anything as superficial as looks. It’s super important to craft a personality that shines from within. That is more rare than a beautiful face.
- Things aren’t always as they appear: That person that seems that has it all together has struggles just like anyone else. A lot of times we make people bigger and better in our mind than they actually are. They have flaws just like we all do. If you ever put anyone on a pedestal make sure it’s yourself.
Remember ladies, on this journey to become high value mindset is everything! Don’t let anyone take that away from you.. even yourself. The mind is a powerful thing.